We are excited to announce a new online registration process for 7-12 sports/activities that we are using for this upcoming season. Please go to the following link to get started.

At the home football game this Friday October 25th, FCCLA will be hosting a donation drive for the Ronald McDonald House! Items needed include paper products, personal hygiene products, trash bags, laundry detergent, cleaning products, and aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and sandwich bags. A box to place these items in will be located by the concessions stand. Any and all unused items are welcome! FCCLA will also be hosting a miracle minute to raise money for the Ronald McDonald house, so be sure to keep an ear out for an announcement during the game!

We are excited to announce a new online registration process that we are going to be using starting this Winter season for students in 7th-12th Grade. Please go to the following link to get started.

MS/HS students, staff, and parents:
Due to construction the road around the MS/HS building, beginning at the NW corner (just past the admin building) and ending at Shaw St., will be closed Tuesday, October 22nd, from 8:45am to 12:15 pm. No cars will be able to get in or out from that area during that time. Thank you for your understanding during our construction project.

Congratulations to the Clarke Marching Band on their Division II rating at the State Marching Band contest today.

PTCO MOVIE NIGHT tonight at 5:30. Dinner will be served at 5:30. Movie begins at 6:00.

Earlier this month Clarke seniors participated in the College Application Campaign. Nearly 100 applications were completed during the three day event! #IApplied

Reminder it is not too late to get registered for the Youth Basketball Clinics. Fee is $20. Clinics start Saturday, October 26th. Open to 2nd-6th Grade students. Contact Park and Recreation Dept.

Senior Spotlight: Clarke student TJ Woods is interning at Altec this year. He’s learning SOLIDWORKS and other skills to launch into a full-time career. #ClarkePride

Come out and support our HS Volleyball teams tonight starting at 5:30. Last home game for our Seniors.

Come out to East Lake Park today and support our Cross Country runners at the SCC Meet. First event at 4:30!

The school Food and Clothing Pantry will be open Monday from 4-5.

There will be NO school for students on Monday, October 14th. This is a professional development day for teachers.

The MS/HS Cross Country Meet at Chariton tonight has been cancelled due to weather conditions.

Class of 2020: Need help with the FAFSA? There will be a FAFSA completion event at Clarke HS on Tuesday, October 29 from 4:00-8:00 PM in Room 117. See this doc for more info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tov04jfNw0AGdUIL-iW9x_celuPZU39MHWlQOkhlYSA/edit?usp=sharing

Join us tonight for our Clarke Family Night! FREE to all Clarke families. Spaghetti dinner at 5:30 with our program at 6:00! Learn a stress-free strategy for better behaved children and make a fidget! Enter at entrance 5 of the Elementary School. Hope to see you there!

Come out and see our Middle School Football teams play their last home football game at 4:15 this afternoon.

All MS & HS VB games will be played in the HS gym in Chariton tonight. MS 4:15-5:30 two nets at same time, 9/JV warm-up will begin at 5:30 on two nets and play for 60 minutes, with Varsity to start around 7:15.

Please join us on Tuesday, October 8th for Clarke Family Night. FREE to all Clarke Families. Dinner is at 5:30pm and the program will begin at 6:00pm. Located in the Clarke Elementary Cafeteria. Hope to see you there!

Admission for the MS and HS VB @ Chariton on Oct. 8th will be $5 for adults and $3 for students. Due to playing in same gym, all admissions will be the same.