Thursday Night in the Park with Clarke!

Thursday Night in the Park with Clarke!

Thursday Night in the Park with Clarke!

TLC Coaches learning how to share our good news through the new Clarke app!

Haircuts at the Clarke Wellness Fair!

1st annual Clarke Schools Wellness Fair. Helping families prepare for the first day of school with supplies, haircuts, vaccinations, and more! Thanks to our sponsors and volunteers!

DISTRICT: Tomorrow is the Clarke Wellness Fair from 4-7 @ in the MS gym. See you there!

School supplies for giveaway at the Clarke Wellness Fair. Thanks to Clarke County State Bank, Saylor Realty, and Miller Products for your generous donations.

Welcome to Clarke Community Schools!

Congratulations to 4E for being the April Clarke Way Champions!

Check out this useful information on Thrillshare. http://5il.co/41jp