Clarke MS Band Solo & Ensemble Festival Outstanding Performers

On Thursday, February 27, 2020, many Clarke Middle School Band Members opted to participate in the Clarke Middle School Solo and Ensemble Festival. These band members rehearsed their musical selections with their band teacher, Christie Stortenbecker, and then performed their pieces for a judge.  This year, the judge was Oscar Ortiz, the retired band director from Chariton Middle School.  First, he listened to each performance.  Immediately afterward, Mr. Ortiz offered positive feedback to each performer, as well as suggestions for improvement.  Band members earned a rating based upon their performance.  After the festival, each performer also received a written ballot from the judge and an award ribbon.  Mr. Ortiz recognized the outstanding performers of the festival.  These special awards were earned by Lily Eggman for her 7th grade clarinet solo, as well as Ashlyn Crawford, Ali Henry, and Tory Henry for their 8th grade snare drum trio.

The ratings for all of the participants are included below. 

Division I+ Ratings (Highly Superior)

Lily Eggman – Clarinet Solo        

Lily Eggman and Marquaize Coughran – Clarinet Duet

Lily Eggman, Alyssa Rater, Marquaize Coughran – Clarinet Trio

Rili Houge – Clarinet Solo

Veronica Banuelos – Clarinet Solo

Brenda Hernandez – Clarinet Solo

Bryce Johnson – Alto Saxophone Solo

Ashlyn Crawford, Ali Henry, and Tory Henry – Snare Drum Trio


Division I Ratings (Excellent)

Genesis Cowling Ambriz – Flute Solo

Emma Hendrickson – Trumpet Solo

Micah Domina – Snare Drum Solo

Claire Jacobsen and Sidney Benda – Trumpet Duet

Aretzy Herrera – Flute Solo

Ashlin Hardy – Oboe Solo

Alicia Glenn – Alto Saxophone Solo


Division I ̶  Ratings (Great)

Amy Morales – Flute Solo

Janie Antoine – Flute Solo

Morgan Fisher and Alyssa Rater – Alto Sax/Clarinet Duet

Savannah Henderson – Tuba Solo

Lauren Mumaw – Trumpet Solo

Bryce Johnson, Veronica Banuelos, and Rili Houge – Saxophone Trio


Division II Ratings (Good)

Lily Eggman, Amy Morales, and Janie Antoine – Saxophone Trio


Division III Rating (Fair)

No Division III Ratings were given by the judge.